Kriollatino language is an agglutinative language, which means that this language uses a system of affixes to derivate words, not as English does by using words of different systems. There is no grammatical case inflection, but particles do the same work.
Kriollatino language uses a modified latin alphabet which contains 35 letters (37 if we include the 26-letter classical latin alphabet) – including á, í, ú, ù, é, ė, ó, þ, đ, ś, ć -. Each letter represents one sound, but changes can be made in the way of easing pronounciation.
So, here are a few simple sentences to start speaking in that language :
Benveno ! : Welcome !
Hao : to say hello, in general case. Followed by a proper or a simple noun.
Bondio : another way of greeting. Can also be used for farewells.
Bonvivo : To wish someone a long live. Used to quit someone for a long time or forever.
Mi apele Johano. E tu, tu apele ki ayo ? : My name is Johano. And you, what is your name ?
To learn more words in Kriollatino, here is a participative multilingual dictionary on which words of any language are translated and/or explained in Kriollatino language. Just to give you an idea of the current status of the language. This dictionary at this time has just translated a few words in english (word list)